What artists give models

I just wanted to share this post from a Canadian art model (http://cdnmalefiguremodel.wordpress.com). You’ve heard me discuss that I model for more intangible reasons, and that the money (while nice to have!) isn’t my main motivator. I’d like you to hear from another model about the benefits of modeling and how it can serve as self-actualization and how you get a high off of pulling off a successful gig. If you’re looking to get into modeling, you’re most likely asking yourself “what possesses someone to take their clothes off and appear nude in front of a room full of strangers.”

If you read this, you’ll get a very detailed and very well written explanation of why it is we do this 🙂

What artists give models.

About jasonandthegoldenpose

If you asked me five years ago what I'd be doing in the present, taking my clothes off in front of complete strangers would have been the LAST thing I'd have thought of! This blog catalogs the adventures of a part-time male figure model in his mid-30s who holds down a traditional white-collar job by day, and a most unconventional job by night!
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